Photographs made in natural and man-made underground environments (caves, mines, culverted watercourses, and storm drains) to which the public do not normally have access. As unseen spaces, I had the freedom to present a first view, lighting them to convey shape, depth and hue, but also retain a sense of the unknown.
Exhibited at St Phillips Crypt, Salford.
September 2009 - February 2010
Fluorite mine, Wales
Culverted stream, Manchester
Culverted stream, Manchester
Fluorite mine, Wales
Culverted stream, Manchester
Penstock controls, Manchester
Fluorite mine, Derbyshire
Fluorite mine, Wales
Storm drain, Cheshire
Storm drain, Cheshire
Limestone mine, Derbyshire
Culverted river, Manchester
Culverted river, Manchester
Limestone mine, Derbyshire
Limestone mine, Derbyshire